BFG Activities
Just because school is closed doesn't mean we can't continue to read The BFG!
You can listen to a chapter a day as normal and you might choose to do some of the activities too. Send on photos of any pictures or writing you do and I can share it with the rest of your class here:
Class Activity Work
Can you remember what the chapter 'Frobscottle and Whizzpoppers' was about?
Draw a picture of how you imagined the scene after Sophie and the BFG drank the frobscottle.
Listen to 'Journey to Dream Country' (from where we left it on Thursday) at the following link:
Journey to Dream Country
Listen to 'Dream Catching' at the following link:
Dream Catching
Use the template here, or draw your own:
Dream Jar templates
to draw and/or write about a dream you make up.
Will it be a frightsome Trogglehumper or a golden Phizzwizard?
4. Listen to 'A Trogglehumper for the Fleshlumpeater' here:
A Trogglehumper for the Fleshlumpeater
5. The BFG makes lots of mistakes with his English (or Wigglish!).
Can you understand what he means in the following words and phrases?
BFG Wigglish
(Possible answers here - you might have different ideas)
6. Listen to 'Dreams' here:
7. Listen to 'The Great Plan' here:
The Great Plan
8. Listen to 'Mixing the Dream' here:
Mixing the Dream
9. Download this activity sheet. Print it if you can, but don't worry if you can't.
Read through the extract from 'Mixing Dreams'
What does Sophie find out that the BFG can do with dreams?
Your task is to mix up some of the BFG's dreams:
- First, choose 2 dreams from the 'Dream Labels' page and read them carefully.
- Then glue them,if you can, onto the boxes on the 'Dream Mixing' page (otherwise, write them onto a blank sheet of paper)
- Next imagine the BFG has whizzed up your dreams with his gigantic egg-beater.
- Write down your new, combined dream. Remember to include a clear beginning, middle and end.
- Illustrate an exciting scene from your dream
10. Listen to 'Journey to London' here:
Journey to London
11. Listen to 'The Palace' here:
The Palace
12. Listen to 'The Queen' here:
The Queen
13. Check out these activities before listening to the next chapter
14. Listen to the next chapter, 'The Royal Breakfast'
The Royal Breakfast
15. Find out the plan in the next chapter
The Plan
16. Does the plan work? Will the giants be captured? Find out here:
17. You might have noticed that some of The BFG is really hard to read! I found the following passage particularly difficult! See can you do any better. Try to put on a different (angry) voice for each of the giants.
"I is flushbunkled!" roared the Fleshlumpeater.
"I is splitzwiggled!" yelled the Childchewer.
"I is swogswalloped!" bellowed the Bonecruncher.
"I is goosegruggled!" howled the Manhugger.
"I is gunzleswiped!" shouted the Meatdripper.
"I is fluckgungled!" screamed the Maidmasher.
"I is slopgroggled!" squawked the Gizzardgulper.
"I is crodsquinkled!" yowled the Bloodbottler.
"I is bopmuggered!" screeched the Butcher Boy.
19. Listen to the final chapter, The Author, here
20. See how well you were listening - take the BFG Quiz here
21. Write a review of The BFG. Use this template, or feel free to create your own.
22. Dreams - there are two different meanings for the word ‘dream’.
A dream is something that we have when we go to sleep at night, like the dreams that the BFG blows through bedroom windows – but a dream can also be a personal aspiration or goal: something that we really want to achieve.
Sophie and the BFG have a dream that is an aspiration: their dream is to put a stop to the giants and their human-guzzling ways!
Think about your own personal dreams.
You might aspire to perform in a school play, or to learn to ride a bike, or to play in a school rugby final.
Or perhaps your dreams are more long-term goals, such as what you would like to do when you grow up.
Once you have decided on your personal dreams, write what they are, and research what you will have to do to achieve them. Draw a picture of you achieving your dreams.
Present this work as a mini-project. By this I mean focus on the presentation of your work - careful tidy handwriting (or you may choose to type it), detailed drawings, colour. Think: Would I be proud to see this hanging on the wall?
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